A Review of the Tupperware Business Opportunity

By | August 5, 2017

I remember my year as a Tupperware dealer. It was actually a very short year if I really think about it. Not the year really, but the time selling Tupperware. The great thing about that time was the great Tupperware I was able to purchase for almost pennies.

I am not sure why I ever made the decision of selling Tupperware. I think it was because I had tried to sell so many other products and was still longing to find that “one” that would really work for me. I wanted to find that product that required no paperwork, or filing, I hated filing. But, as with all the others, that was not an option. I knew that Tupperware was a household name and that everyone used and needed more.

Tupperware was easy to sell because it had such a great refund or replacement policy. The company has also stood behind the quality of their products, no matter how old the product was.

The way you sell Tupperware is through parties held in the homes of your friends and referrals you get from previous parties. You ask someone if they will host a party and let them know what their “hostess gifts” will be. The hostess does have a few responsibilities that you as the distributor will need to go over like invitations, time and place, refreshments.

The distributor will deliver the products to the host and the host will be responsible for delivery of the orders. But the end product is worth it for the hostess as she not only qualifies for credit toward purchases but also is given hostess gifts from you, the distributor.

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Tupperware is not a pyramid scheme, but it does work as a network marketing company. An independent consultant will sponsor you. The money that is made is mostly in the sales of the products at first. But over time, when you have been able to build up your group, you will be making quite a bit more. There is training classes attend on a regular basis. There are always new products coming out and promotions you will want to know about.

From my experience, the successful independent consultant really loved their job and loved doing parties. They were extremely creative with the products and had the greatest displays for their parties. And the never-ending creative ideas they come up using the latest products.

I went to their website just because it has been so long since I have sold for them. I was pleased to see the old standby products that will never change. To me, that says that the company is not afraid of consistency or fear of boredom. They know what the customer likes and they keep it around. Everyone has their favorite product that they just can’t live without. So, if you are a new consultant, you need to find those customers and hang on to them. They will be your customers for life, or as long as you stay with your business, as I did.

So, this may be the business for you, it may not. You may love to be out with the ladies with your Tupperware talk. Another thing that Tupperware is great about is recognizing those distributors that are doing well. They offer great incentives and rewards. At their meetings they will give the distributor recognition for her efforts.

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There really aren’t any special requirements to become a Tupperware consultant. You just need to believe in the product you are selling, be able to manage yourself in your own business and you can choose full or part-time. So have fun at your next party.

You can read our Unbiased, expert review of Tupperware from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at MLM Review Kings. This article may be used royalty free provided bio & links remain intact.