Seventh House (Marriage) – A General Assessment

By | November 3, 2017

Seventh House – A General Assessment


If this sign happens to be the seventh house in a horoscope the native’s wife is generally of cruel disposition and angry most of the time. To quarrel and to show off beyond the normal limits is its traits. Fond of ornaments, the wife always is of mean nature and of imposing character. Martian qualities shall predominate on the whole and married life generally can said to be successful as per the planetary configurations in the horoscope of the native.


If Taurus becomes the seventh house, the native gets a beautiful wife who is extremely intelligent, sharp featured and skilled in fine art, she is some what proud of her beauty. These women are rather emotional, fond of cooking and are generally expert in the sphere of romantic games.


If Gemini becomes the seventh house, the native gets an intelligent, moral and attractive wife though she cannot said to be highly beautiful. In – laws are of mediocre mean and father – in – law can said to be a staunch supporter of the native. The wife proves luck to the person. Fond of apparel, she is always in search of ideas to present herself beautiful. Full of all virtues, these women are generally successful in life.


If this sign of zodiac happens to be the seventh house, the native gets an exceedingly beautiful wife. Tall, slim and sharp featured, these women make dear to everyone concerned. These women are in control of their emotions and never submit to cruelty. They are fond of ornaments and day – dreaming are their nature. To face the cruel realities of life are never their specialties. These women, however, are successful in life.


If this sign of zodiac happens to be the seventh house, the native gets a wife of angry disposition. They become angry on the smallest issue and involve the whole family into the dispute. The quality of Sun fully predominates in her. She is never fond of make – up etc. and keeps herself aloof in the gatherings. She is fond of wealth, ornaments and is expert to read the inner feelings of the others. It can be implied thus, these women are mentally healthy and intelligent. The married life of the native can never said to be much harmonious as ascending sign and the seventh house sign are bitter enemies in the celestial family.

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If this sign of zodiac happens to be the seventh house, the natural and finer qualities of Mercury are fully manifested. The native gets a beautiful, intelligent wife of high morale standard and is a lucky factor for the financial betterment of the native’s family. Her progeny (child) suffers, however, she conceives rather late. She is always worried on that account. She is fond of make – up and ornaments and even with a slight touch of make – up. She is found exceedingly beautiful. She is tactful, truthful and enables the native to adopt a righteous course in life. Though she is extremely fond of wealth yet to attain it, she never falls from her ideals and is a reliable companion in all the spheres of life.


Libra is a natural seventh house of KAAL PURUSHA (NATURAL ZODIAC). It is a sign of beauty and other allied matters. So when this sign becomes the seventh house in a horoscope, the native gets a sensationally beautiful and educated wife.

Sharp featured, fair complexion and of magnetic personality are the main traits. She is a firm believer of religious ceremonies, fasts and charities. She can considered to be a philanthropic nature and anybody coming into contact with her, she is there to help. She can withstand the hardships.

Fond of ornaments, she is of materialistic nature. Admirer of scents, perfumes and cosmetics. She is a good decorator of her surroundings.

She has many ideas of enjoyments originates from her head.


If this sign of zodiac happens to be the seventh house,, the native gets a wife who is very little educated or even illiterate. She is neither fond of fine arts nor she has any knowledge of the same. She has to face acute hardships of life right from her childhood.

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She is generally of short stature and of quarrelling disposition. She faces obstacles in all spheres which ever the matter she intend to do.

The negative qualities of mars are fully present in her.


When this ninth sign of zodiac becomes the seventh house in a chart, the person gets a wife who is fall and good looking. She tends to incline towards fine arts and other things.

She is extremely proudy and retaliates like a snake if her pride is hurt in any way. She begets many dutiful sons. Though the naïve is seldom seen to get rich in laws yet father – in – law does help the native financially to some extent.

These types of women generally bring luck to the person.


This sign being the seventh house in a horoscope, generally denotes the native having a wife whose education is very little. She is extremely fond of ornaments and pays particular attention to her appearance by maximum use of cosmetics and other make – up articles.

Being angry in disposition, she is believer of superstition. She cares for her dignity above all the thing. She never tolerates taunting and anybody hurting her dignity has a potential and dangerous enemy in her.

She neither forgets nor forgives. It cannot be a sheer coincidence that, Mars the fiery planet is exalted in this sign.


This sign being the seventh house in a horoscope, the native gets a wife. Who faces the struggles of life with firmness. She is a firm believer of god and faithful to the elders. She is never ready to help others and views the worldly activities with a pessimistic bent of mind.

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She is also noted to be proudy and expects others to follow whatever she has to say. Intelligent and full of virtues she begets intelligent children. Unless Jupiter has got any say over the matter, these women are seldom seen to be beautiful.


This sign being the seventh house in a horoscope, native gets a wife who is very conservative in religious matters. Philanthropy is the main trait of nature. She is a supposed beauty, but the complexion can never said to be fair. Pisces being a watery sign, she can be a good swimmer and extremely fond of bathing. She is of jovial nature and is ready for an answer in any sort of conversation. Begetting many good children, these women are said to bring luck to the native.

M.B.A. in Human Resource Management and International Business from G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi.

Experience in Administration field in Multinational and International Organization.

Astrology is his Passion, Life, Hobby etc. Social Service through astrology helps him in building Human Relations.

Studying of Human Behaviour through research related to different areas of Human Life Cycle + Providing helping hand to human beings by giving free services of astrology to them through Facebook, E-Mail replies etc. so that they can overcome their problems in day to day life and fulfill their life ambitions.

On Facebook and on Twitter you can search him by his id – Dhiraj Bakshi.

At present he is working on the new idea and concept called Law of Astrology. Courts functioning as per the administrative procedures and guidelines defined by the Religious Court of Law can be studied through divisional charts, interlinking charts, transit charts etc.

The impact of the decisions taken by judges of Supreme Court of Astrology in different areas of Human Life Cycle can also be studied through Kaal Chakra Dasha.