Are You Thinking With the Herd?

By | December 4, 2017

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would be aware that the world is going through some turbulent times, politically, economically and socially!

Every newspaper you read, television show you watch, the articles and reports are quite gloomy about the various ongoing crises. If you continue to read and watch these, you will immerse yourself in this negativity and see only what you are thinking about.

Herd thinking is the thinking of the masses largely promoted by the media and generally based on fear. People can be easily swept up in the emotions being pushed and lose independent thought choosing to focus on the worst case scenario. Often this takes place surreptitiously as people look to be informed about current affairs. Regardless of their personal position before the onset of herd thinking, people can inadvertently end up with group think if not conscious of its power due to the volume of media they are immersed in each and every day.

It’s vital in these times to embrace positive thoughts and have faith and confidence about the future. If the herd is promoting gloom and doom it doesn’t mean that you have to experience it personally. By all means, be aware or informed of the situation but don’t linger on the details otherwise you will get pulled into negative herd thinking.

As property entrepreneur Rick Otton says, “Hope is what we all need to embrace now. Even if the world financial picture is grim-that doesn’t mean your financial picture has to be. While it’s true that myself and many others have made our fortunes during difficult financial times —we’ve done this by thinking and behaving differently than the herd.”

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Raymond Holliwell in his book, Working With The Law, confirms the risk of herd thinking when he states “Let the others fear and fret, but don’t let yourself come under their thought.”

How do Rick Otton, Raymond Holliwell and others remain positive in the current climate? They focus on the positive life they want, not the negative life that is being told to them by others.

The first and most important step is to take action by changing your thoughts and feelings from negative to positive. Turn off the TV and radio, fold up the newspaper. Your true world is the world you create for yourself. Decide what it is that you want for yourself and create positive and constructive thoughts about that desire. See yourself having achieved that desire and feel those fabulous feelings of achievement.

As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and there are endless positive opportunities for each and every one of us to succeed financially as long as we think and act on positive thoughts of financial success. Changing your thoughts and feelings from negative to positive will allow you to create a positive belief system about the future: stay thinking with the herd and your negative thoughts and feelings will only give you negative beliefs and results.

Consciously make your thoughts those of abundance and prosperity, for there is plenty for all.

Currently building her own internet businesses, Joanna enjoys sharing wealth creation strategies with others so they too can create passive income and enjoy financial freedom. Her particular area of interest is mindset and how this impacts on your business success. If you enjoyed reading this article on being in business and would like to learn more about having you own internet business, please visit her website

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