Tupperware Network Marketing tips to help you with your MLM business!

By | February 20, 2017

First of all I want to take this time, to add the disclaimer that I do not personally distribute for Tupperware. How ever I do have some of their products in my house.

I got to ask the question, do you or someone you know, have any Tupperware in the cupboard or on the countertop? Almost everyone I know has at least a couple of pieces of Tupperware in their cupboards. And most of the women I know has been to at least one Tupperware party. Tupperware has been around for years, heck for generations. Earl Tupper, a dupont chemist, was the man who developed Tupperware. He was the developer of light weight, break resistant containers, and used waste products from a oil refining process. Which he had this awesome vision, a way to recycle these materials into a “miracle” product, influencing the plastic revolution, which truely paid off in a major way for him. He created the airtight lid, which the idea the was simple and ingenious, all it is, is the top of a paint can lid turned upside down. This idea has been keeping food fresher for a longer period of time, which means the consumer has saved money in their grocery bill, which is a win win for everyone.

Tupperware was introduced in 1946 through retail sales. And it’s home base is out of Orlando, Florida. In 1948 is when it truely took off in high speed. Tupperware added a lawyer, Brownie Wise to the company, and they went from retail sales to “Tupperware Parties”, this showed the people how to use the products. Brownie Wise was the first woman featured on the cover of Business Week in 1954, she knew early on that women were the key to sustaining a strong foundation for family life and communities. Brownie Wise a entrepreneur new, “if we build the people, they’ll build the business”. They knew that people are the key to success, as many companies that exist today have found also to be true.

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Tupperware reaches the community to educate and empower women for generations, so women can gain confidence and have a strong influence on society around them. In December 2005 Tupperware took a new name, Tupperware Brands, reflecting the diversity of their growing product line. Tupperware has 2.4 million sales force around the globe. They have changed their manufacturing processes, which has reduced the waste conciderably, they have recycling progarams. Which means Tupperware supports global environmental efforts.

Post-war time wives have made a career out of selling Tupperware products, when their men came home from the war, they had a extra stream of income coming into growing house hold. Tupperware products today are a quality and unique product because or their designs and the quality construction that continues on with their lietime warranty. Tupperware’s name still says quality.

Tupperware is a home based business that will hold a strong place in the American dream, and anyone with a dream or the desire to create a financial future will have a place. This direct selling business sells products through mouth to mouth. The sales force consists of independent representative who market products and services directly to the comsumer. Totally loving the fact, their strong desire to change and make life better for their household can come true through attaining their personal goals, and being their own boss, working at their own schedule not someone elses. If this is a goal that you have for your household? Let me show you how to become your own entrepreneur, by clicking the link blow.

Suzanne De Ruyter is a professional Network Marketer, who helps people to learn successful Internet Marketing techniques click the following link to explode your Network Marketing business!