WoW Mounts

By | December 30, 2017

Even though the vast majority of mounts have more or less the same attributes, there are however a few that would seem to be a cut above the rest, so obviously this is something else you’ll need to take into consideration the next time you choose your Horde character.

Although there will be greater detail in the horde leveling guide with regards to all the epic mounts and the relevant long quest chains to get them, we’ve compiled a short list of each mount with regards to any particular race.

Undead – Perhaps the best thing about these mounts, also known as Skeletal Horses, is that once you reach level 30 you can select between brown, green or red. Likewise, once you reach level 60 with this mount, you then get to choose between green or purple.

Troll – Once again players can choose from a Raptor from a range of interesting colors when it’s time to choose a suitable mount. For lack of words, let’s just say they’re certainly different. Available in either emerald, violet aor turquoise, they give you the benefit of having the ability to go 60 percent faster. Having said that; we’ll leave it up to the leveling guide in order to tell you all about these epic mounts.

Orc – to a great extent these wolves look very similar to those which we saw in Lord of the Rings, particularly when you see them in action. The only difference being; these are available in either a dire, timber or brown color. The only downside to these is; they’re not as impressive as you might expect.

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Tauren – Curious as to what type of mount the Tauren rides? It is known as a Kodo and for the most part it looks remarkably similar to a Rhino. An interesting aspect is that as you pass others they will turn to look at you and this becomes more apparent once you reach level 60, at which point you will get the armored version.

Blood Elf – These ride a mount known as a Hawkstrider which essentially looks like a cross between an ostrich and a hawk. While it certainly does have the looks to set it apart from the crowd, and while there are different colors, they do seem to lack a little class.

If you would like to see a full run down of all the best WoW Mounts and see the best WoW Mount guide to choose, please visit our WoW Mounts page right here – WoW Mounts